In person, I tend to laugh my problems away so I don’t seem like a burden to people. I also don’t want to stop getting near me because I am depressed.

I have been struggling with finding the light. I started going to therapy and it was helping but I couldn’t find the willpower to show up. I haven’t been eating these past days… I just hate how people really hurt me and I still care for them. Im a mess

why am I feeling unhappy when I know this can go a long way.

Thoughts like this makes me feel like every person I meet is going to get bored of me and break my heart. I have been feeling like I am going to be alone because I can never find someone who wants to stay and accept me

Bottle up

I am here feeling bad about who I am and the things I do and say that make people want to leave out of my life.

When something happens and it affects me emotionally and instantly resort to taking myself out of the situation to no longer apply any bad to anyone or myself. I know I have lost many friends to the way I deal with things. Maybe that’s why I feel so lonely and feel like no one understands me. I don’t have words. I just get angry and leave. Childish? Impatient? Yes. I know.

I have tried and tried over again to somehow fix this but I feel like many people walk over me and I get fed up.

One thing I can never let go are lies and secrets behind my back.

To my best friends… it is not because I hate you or you’re a negative impact on my life. It is that it has been brought up of how much bad I bring to the friendship and what type of friend I am. I decided to break up with all three of you. I know you three are better together. I mean I have always been out of the loop. Maybe that’s why I resent just a little bit but I think this decision is better for you and me.

self aware

2016 was my lowest year ever and I have yet to recover from it. I think I don’t recover because I can remember each moment from June 2016 and onward like it happened yesterday. I think about it every second and tears me apart [emotionally, mentally, and physically]. one thing I gained from such a dark time is understanding friendships better and putting the effort it deserves. idk man…. I need to be my own friend and give myself the self worth I deserve. self worth as in not allowing the judgment of others affect me, dress the way i want without expecting others to accept it, making decisions and being selfish for once, etc. every day i think low of myself because i know i can do better but my laziness thinks that everything is gained with with it being handed to them. i want to get into the police academy. i want a better job. i dont want to suffer anymore. Every achievement i accomplish, i allow myself to think that i could have done better.  i made it this far huh? congrats to myself for not completely losing it [yet]

Strength in my Weakness — Smell The Coffee

Slice me open and take a peak within feel the cords that hold me together they are tissues of scars I’ve earned Fair and square-without bargain they were earned stretching from stem to stern buried within they are my strength binding me together But wait- let’s reason together you cannot take from me what I’ve […]

via Strength in my Weakness — Smell The Coffee